As you look out at your lawn, do you see plush, green grass? If you don’t, you may be tempted to throw grass seed down to make some magic happen. But, it’s not that easy. If you don’t seed your lawn at the right time, you could be wasting your efforts, and end up with patches and a lackluster lawn. Who wants that?
Any good landscaper will tell you that seeding your lawn is all about the timing. If you do it correctly and at the right time, you’re going to be pleased with the results. We’re going to tell you when is the best time to seed your lawn plus share some tips to make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood.
Fall Seeding vs. Spring Seeding

Fall or Spring? Which season is best? There’s no cut-and-dry answer, but this should help you make the best decision for your lawn.
Spring Seeding
As the temperatures get warmer and the birds start chirping in the Spring, it’s only natural to want to get out there and take care of your lawn. This could work for you, but you have to take a couple of things into consideration so you don’t get disappointed.
- If you live in an area with warm-season turfgrass, you may not grow much new grass.
- If you have cool-season grasses, you may have to deal with a lot of weeds over the summer until the plants get big enough to apply weed control products.
Seeding in the spring also means you can’t apply any products to control crabgrass for as long as 4 months after seeding. If you have a lot of crabgrass, you may want to get that under control first and wait to seed until late summer or early fall.
If you do decide to seed in the Spring, do it early enough in the season to give seedlings enough to mature before the summer heat settles in.
Fall Seeding
Many people wait until the fall to seed their lawn, especially if their lawn has cool-season grasses. This tends to yield the best results. When you seed in the fall, the seeds tend to sprout faster. This means a greener, fuller lawn in less time without any pesky weeds shooting up first. You’ll also be able to get any crabgrass and weeds under control by the following Spring with the proper applications.
Should I Consider Dormant Seeding?
Dormant seeding is when the seed is put down while the ground is not frozen, but still cold enough. This allows germination of the grass not to occur until next spring when the soil starts to get warm. Seeds that germinate late in the season likely won’t survive the winter months.
But, if you live in the south, dormant seeding is not something that is going to be helpful for your lawn. Any seeding for warm-season grasses is usually completed in early summer. People who live farther north who have bluegrass, fescue, or perennial ryegrass, can consider dormant seeding. You just have to make sure your winters are normally cold and damp. You don’t want dormant seeds to germinate and then get exposed to freezing temperatures that can damage the seeds.
Different Seeding Processes
Once you decide what time of year to use grass seed on your lawn, you need to think about how you’re going to do it. There are different techniques depending on the status of your lawn and what you need to accomplish. The main goal is to promote germination which means the seed and soil need to make contact for any grass to grow.

Overseeding will help to fill bare spots when the grass starts to thin out and die. By overseeding, new grass will grow thicker.
Aeration Seeding
When a lawn is aerated, small plugs of soil are removed from the ground. This helps to clear the way for water, oxygen, and vital nutrients like fertilizer to get to the roots. Once this is done, the aeration seeding process can begin helping new grass to grow in the soil that is no longer compacted.
Power Seeding
When a machine is used, power seeding is taking place. This helps to distribute grass seed quickly, no matter the lawn size. Power seeding can be used to overseed or plant a new lawn.
Slit Seeding
Vertical blades are used to evenly cut spaced slits in long, shallow rows of cuts that are parallel to the ground. This will lead to grass growing in rows.
If you’re thinking of seeding your lawn and are not sure what process is best, you can trust the professionals at FortSmith Landscaping to get the job done. We can assess your lawn and help you determine when is the best time to seed your lawn and what technique will produce the best results.
FAQ About Seeding Your Lawn
How do I know what grass seed to plant?
You want to choose a grass seed that matches your climate and how much sun your yard gets. You also want to consider how much moisture your lawn will receive.
How long does grass seed take to grow?
The length of time will vary on the type of grass you have. Typically, you should start to see some results in 10-14 days.
Why isn’t my grass seed growing?
The weather could be to blame or the soil conditions. Your lawn may have received too much or too little water as well.
How do seeding and fertilizing work?
Many times people will fertilize their soil first before seeding their lawn to get the best results. Poor soil can hinder grass growth.
Let Us Take Care of Your Lawn and Landscaping Needs
If your lawn needs some TLC, let FortSmith Landscaping give it the attention it deserves. We are a full-service landscaping company that can help seed your lawn, develop a new look, or maintain your current landscape. Call us today at (919) 228-8495 to get started!